
Se afișează postări din 2015


În postările anterioare am vorbit despre drepturile femeilor din Orientul Mijlociu, dar astăzi vreau sa consemnez despre şoapta neauzită a fetelor care trebuie sa pună capăt copilariei înainte de vreme. Alizadeh, o adolescentă din Iran era gata să fie vândută de proprii părinţi în schimbul anumitei sume de bani, care ar fi servit ca zestre fratelui ei. Şi de aici, continuă lanţul slăbiciunilor- fratele, la rândul lui să-şi cumpere o mireasă. Şi cum tradiţia vine din familie, mama ei a fost vândută la vârsta de 13 ani. Fata a participat la un concurs de muzică rap, unde îndemna poporul Afghan să voteze. Aceasta a câştigat un premium de USD1,000 şi nunta nu a mai fost o posibilitate. Organiţia Strong Heart Group a oferit fetei o bursa de studiu la Academia Wasatch din Utah, Statele Unite ale Americii. In luna noiembrie a acestui an vom avea ocazia să vizionăm şi un documentar despre viaţa fetei. Vă las video mai jos cu subtitrare în engleză- Daughters for Sale Să ne...


    Dear you,   I will start with the idea that a person's poison is his own thoughts and actions. I know that this is a topic that you usually do not cover by confronting with your own life ideology.   I noticed that along with age, the emotional maturity is harder to get.  People, places, visions and the permanent change is influencing a person's decision in being stable. And it is so difficult in achieving the state of mind that allows you to say: ''I feel accomplished''. The emotional acceptance knows no limits and people try to lie themselves about what they feel.   Self-disclosure is a sign that you need to start swimming in the ocean you were thrown in. And nobody said that this should be easy, however a positive attitude represents the great achievement that you can obtain with someone's help.   Trusting people comes more difficult. Friends can be self-centered, a man might want two things: ''to lay yo...


It is well-known that each European capital has it's vibrant side that drags you into the country's culture. And for sure Bucharest is one of them. The main attraction being the Old Town along with great parks and large squares, you can always discover the unknown old side of Romania. I will let the pictures talk for me and if you have a chance to visit the city, I am more than happy to create a customized itinerary for you (free of charge!) PS... just let me know! . The Palace of the Parliament The building has 1,100 rooms, curtains of 250 kg, a light chandelier of 3,000 kg and it was all build using Romanian materials. To design such a masterpiece, it took 700 architects under the led of a women- Anca Petrescu. The tours take place daily, so I highly recommend this one (full ticket around 10-15 euro). See more details here.   Romanian National Library Below are pictures from the Old City and City Center ...