
Se afișează postări din 2017


So, I am famous for getting out of work late, especially on a Monday, so had no time for cooking today. And I said why should I not get something to take away from a restaurant close to my house (biryani, my new love 😍 ) I go in, I order and just wait. A lady had her eyes on me all this time and it was way too obvious already. I look back at her and just... smile (blame the Americans, I got it from my exchange year there). The lady just got mad and started to yell “ why do you smile at me? Do you know me? Look in another direction!” In my mind I was like “scuse me, lady, you were the one stalking me!” Everyone in the restaurant was looking at us like this was a theatre show or something. I was soooo angry in that moment and I continued to smile and just told me “because I am nice”. Maybe I should have told her “because I am nicer” 😂 she was so upset that she decided to leave. The lesson of the day: answer with kindness and people will be fully disharmed. I guess we know how to reply ...


Dupa o disparatie de lunga durata (nu, nu am fost intr-un retreat), doar obsedata de lucru, cate 12 ore pe zi. But, I am backkkkk Multe s-au intamplat in ultimii ani, vrute si nevrute si am zis sa incep postarea cu o actiune mai veche.  Sunt de o luna in Londra unde culture shock e la ea acasa. Incepand de la faptul ca la un pub lumea bea bere din picioare si stau la rand ca la paine, pana la incuiatul usilor 🤔 Am stat o luna in Londra in august 2016, trimisa in scop de serviciu, si am ajuns in apartamentul familiei sefului. Toate usile din casa erau zavorate (cum mai zicem prin Moldova). Aud tot felul de lucruri despre romani: hoti, tigani, "bloody Romanians are here to steal our jobs", deci am luat-o personal. Am avut pus pe masa instructiuni cum sa folosim masina de spalat 😂 (presupun ca ei nu stiu ca avem si din astea). Am avut instructiuni sa nu atingem colectia de bauturi si eu mai ghinionista de fel, o sampanie neatinsa a explodat. De bun simt am zis sa cumpar una in...